What we do

Smartindianinvestors.com is a unique platform with the sole aim of connecting leading global developers and project marketers looking to sell their projects in India through real estate agents, financial planners, accountants, wealth managers or directly to buyers. Our platform is distinctive whereby we don’t get in the way of commissions hence delivering absolute transparency and cost-effective solutions to both sides in the marketplace.

What we do
We Have Over


Our team has been working diligently and have combined a list of over 25,000 active high-end property brokers, financial planners, wealth managers and accountants across the country.

SII will provide them the platform that they desperately need to access these opportunities without having to do extensive research to find suitable vendors

Why India

In 2020, wealthy Indians again topped the list of those making enquiries for 'residency through investment' or 'citizenship through investment' programs.

As property prices continue to stagnate across most local markets, Indian millionaires are actively considering investment opportunities overseas.

Indian local property brokers with HNI clients are keen to offer international opportunities to their clients.

Financial Planners and Wealth Managers also view these opportunities as a way to increase revenue to their existing business

Why India
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